December Newsletter
Branching Roots Moon Series
Next New Moon Gathering:
Friday, December 23rd
7-8:30pm EST
Full Community Invitation Below
Sign up HERE
Heartfelt Greetings Dreamweavers! Winter Solstice is on the horizon, marking the beginning of a new season and the return of the light to our days. Moving through these long nights, we have been inspired to honour the gifts of darkness, embracing its nourishing reminder that, possibility lives in the unknown. As we welcome back the radiant warmth of our sun, can we allow our inner light to be activated in reciprocity, so that we too may shine more brightly? Here is an offering of community activities to infuse your Winter dreaming with curious wonderment and conscious embodiment.
We will be holding our last New Moon Gathering of 2022 this coming Friday, December 23rd, from 7-8:30pm EST. This month we are leaning into Transitions, Dream Weaving, and Embodying Stories In Community. We invite you to come with a cup of tea, and gather with us as we find together what this New Moon holds for us. Participation is on Zoom, and is free and welcome to all. There will be Teachings on the Moon, Music, Reflective Curiosities and Facilitated Dives into the Conscious Bodies Cycle of Activations.
Tkaronto (Toronto) & Surrounding Communities:
Tuesdays & Thursday (Jan-Feb) – Master Workshop Series | Jaberi Dance Theatre
This one-time program is designed to support dance artists in our community who have experienced financial barriers in accessing professional training due to the pandemic. This is an exciting opportunity to re-connect with each other, take care of our dancing bodies and nurture our creativity!
The FREE workshops are available to all professional dance artists living or working in Toronto with registration. Facilitated by some of our favourite local artists, the program will introduce participants to a variety of creative practices and techniques in the performing arts.
(Our own Andrea Nann will be facilitating a Conscious Bodies Workshop on Thursday, February 9th!)
Dec 21 – Winter Solstice Celebration | The Living Centre
The Living Centre in London, ON is holding a Celebration for the Winter Solstice! The Celebration includes: Creating Ritual Space; Honoring Air, Fire, Water, Earth & Spirit; Peace Meditation; Visual Ritual to Set Intentions for 2023; Candle Lighting Ceremony; Giveaway Ceremony; Group Sharing; as well as yummy desserts, refreshments and community camaraderie.
Core Collaborator Danielle Denichaud will be co-facilitating!
Until Dec 23 — ‘da Kink In My Hair | Soulpepper
Celebrating its 20th Anniversary, TO Live and Soulpepper present ‘da Kink in My Hair by Trey Anthony - the smash hit play that inspired the television series – in a new production directed by Artistic Director Weyni Mengesha, who directed the first full production in 2003.
Dreamwalker Connection: Amaka Umeh was a dialect coach on this piece!
Vancouver (MST Territory) & Surrounding Communities:
Dec 21st — Shab-e Yalda (Yaldā Night) Red in Reading خونِ خواندن
Shab-e Yalda (Yaldā Night) winter solstice, the longest and darkest night of the year, is celebrated in Iran and other countries including Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Armenia. For this Solstice, Mandana Mansouri, Ali Jaf, and Pegah Tabassinejad will host a reading night at the Massy Art Society on Wednesday, December 21 at 6pm. In the light and warmth of the feminist revolution currently happening in Iran, they will read a collective text, a collection of poems and texts from and for Iran.
Dec 30th – Sageus Storytelling
Sageus Storytelling is a cultural gathering initiated and hosted by Sageus Collective. Held at Kay Meeks Arts Centre on Dec. 30, 2022, the event’s debut theme is “The Journey of Awakening” — which will feature 4 speakers who will share their personal story through the experience with plant medicine, interfaith relations, spiritual astrology, and meditation. One of these speakers is collaborator April Liu (of Chinatown Storytelling Centre)!
This event is being hosted by Sageus Collective, of which ChiChi Wang is the Founder and CEO. We were so thrilled to welcome ChiChi to our Firehorse & Shadow Workshop this past fall at the Chinatown Storytelling Centre. Learn more and buy tickets here:
Non-Location Specific:
Anytime Check out Clare Yow’s photography and artwork here (and until Jan 1, get 20% off all prints with the promo code LAUNCH):
Check out the Our Stories: Robert H. N. Ho Living Legacy Project, available on the Chinatown Storytelling Centre’s Website, here:
Check out collaborator Classic Roots’ music here:
Check out collaborator Semiah’s music here: