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Feeling Her Way_edited_edited
Feeling Her Way (1)
All of Our Dreaming (2)
Andy - AOOD 2 copy
Dual Light_edited
Photo by Jeremy Mimnagh
Windows of Time General 1
Windows of Time General 2
Windows of Time - SSM dancer Courtney Gagnon
Windows of Time - Windsor dancer Cathy Harris
Windows of Time - SSM dancer Amelia Stuetz
Windows of Time - SSM dancer Celia Higo
Windows of Time - London dancers Dana Hambly and Kevin Clements 3
Windows of Time - London dancer Kevin Clements
Windows of Time - London dancers Dana Hambly and Kevin Clements
Windows of Time - London dancers Priyanka Topé and Bizz Varty
Windows of Time - London dancers Bizz Varty and Dana Hamblyjpg
Windows of Time - London dancers Dana Hambly and Kevin Clements 2
Windows of Time - London dancer Hannah Elias 2
Windows of Time - London dancer Hannah Elias
Windows of Time - Halton dancer Alan Faigal
Windows of Time - London dancer Dana Hambly
Windows of Time - Dufferin dancer Kayla Zaichowski 2
Windows of Time - Dufferin dancer Makenzie Corona
Windows of Time - Dufferin dancer Kayla Zaichowski
Windows of Time - Halton dancer Alan Faigal 2
Windows of Time card
New Planes
2017-05-02 New Planes2
2017-05-02 New Planes1
new planes 2
new planes 4
new planes 6
Beside Each Other_edited
All of Our Dreaming
I Love You More (1)_edited
rden 7
rden 1

It is our intent that everyone feels invited, wanted, and welcomed to participate in our events and activities. We continue to do the work to listen, learn, unlearn, and relearn in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, in response to the Black Lives Matter Movement, and in recognition of all past and present atrocities, persecution and mistreatment of people based on their ethnicity, culture, place of origin, race, ancestry, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical appearance, and/or (dis)ability.   We stand in solidarity with all who are facing or have faced persecution or discrimination, and are working to create a supportive, safe and equitable world. 


We are honoured to live, work and create in Toronto/Tkaronto on Dish With One Spoon Indigenous Territory and acknowledge the Land as Traditional Territory of many Nations including the Haudenosaunee, the Anishnabeg, the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Chippewa, and the Wendat Peoples.

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